IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)

The Internet of Things is fast transforming the way of interlinking of data from various devices that can add huge value by bringing near real-time information to the analytics process, reducing human intervention and increasing the precision of decision support and execution.
Establishing IIoT in Foundry Green Sand Process management is now possible!
Molding Eco system integration

The moulding line SCADA - enables the collection of near real-time data and will facilitate optimization modelling. Imagine the capability to be able to co-relate each sand-mix to additive consumption, each casting component/part and predict probable causality of rejection with highest possible accuracy and traceability.

Ambient Temperature and humidity sensor and Return sand monitoring

Enables co-relation of ambient conditions at different times of the day and also the changing seasons. The historical impact of these variations on moulding sand properties moisture and sand temperature is harnessed to predict the change of compactability settings for better mould integrity and moisture control.

Return sand moisture and temperature captured in real time by sensors, enables system sand control by predictive analytics

Integration with lab machines with a digital output:

Integrating lab testing machines with SANDMAN® automates the data collection process, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving efficiency. Mobile data entry eliminates paperwork and error possibilities in the laboratory for all time.

Integration with ERP systems to push and pull data directly in near real time.

It is possible to integrate SANDMAN® into various ERP systems to push and pull data provided compatible patches are available. This enables data synchronization across all systems, thereby eliminating the need for duplicate work, risk of errors due to manual data entry, automating workflows, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks and improving productivity.

Auto dosing - subject to capabilities of the machines

SANDMAN® can be integrated with the moulding machine and its supporting systems like the sand mixer and additive dosing systems of the foundry. The software would be able to send a direct signal to the machines to control the dosing of various materials.

For example, SANDMAN® could monitor the active clay levels in the sand and automatically adjust the amount of bentonite to be added to the sand-mix, in near real-time based on specific formulas and recipes also derived from SANDMAN's unique SANDMIX Analytics, to ensure that the sand targets and meets the required properties. By automating the dosing process using predictive and prescriptive analytics, the accuracy and consistency of each and every sand mix improves and so does good casting outcomes.

SANDMAN® team is ready and waiting to work together for establishing true IIoT based analytics in the foundry.